Doležal, Petr: Motocykly v Československu na fotografiích 1

Dolezal, Petr: Motorcycles in Czechoslovakia in photos 1
Název knihy:
Name of the book:
Motocykly v Československu na fotografiích 1 Motorcycles in Czechoslovakia in photos 1
Petr Doležal
Místo vydaní:
Published in:
Petr Doležal
Rok vydání:
Year of Publication:
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ISBN13 :
Fotografie obálky:
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Publikace s pěti sty, doposud většinou nikdy nepublikovanými archivními fotografiemi, ukazuje postupný vývoj motocyklového parku na Československých silnicích od roku 1938 do dnešních dnů. Na své si přijde opravdu každý. Snímky z Vašich dvorků, výletů a garáží jsou doplněny továrními snímky, dokumenty, letáky a dobovými reklamami. Rozsáhlý výběr toho co jezdilo po našich silnicích.
- formát A4, tvrdé desky, křídový matný papír pro kvalitní tisk
- 504 stran
- více jak 500 fotografií velkého formátu
- namátkou AJS, Ardie, BMW, Jawa, Jawa-ČZ, ČZ, Harley-Davidson… a mnoho a mnoho dalšího
- od řemenáčů po Hondu CB 750!Barevné fotografie motocyklů
Snímky z běžných dvorků, na kterých možná poznáte Vaše kamarády či předky. Detailní dobové fotky konstrukčních celků motocyklů. Snímky z tovární linky
Něco z archivu Policie ČR a SR... a také od VB! Včetně modelů Californian a Nanuk. Staré letáky, prospekty a reklamy. A mnoho dalšího!
The publication with five hundred, mostly never-before-published archival photographs, shows the gradual development of the motorcycle park on Czechoslovak roads from 1938 to the present day. Everyone will find their own way. Pictures from your backyards, trips and garages are complemented by factory pictures, documents, leaflets and period advertisements. An extensive selection of what drove on our roads.
- A4 format, hard boards, chalk matte paper for quality printing
- 504 pages
- more than 500 large format photos
- random AJS, Ardie, BMW, Jawa, Jawa-ČZ, ČZ, Harley-Davidson... and many, many more
- from belt drives to the Honda CB 750! Color photos of motorcycles
Pictures from ordinary backyards, where you might recognize your friends or ancestors. Detailed period photos of motorcycle components. Pictures from the factory line
Something from the archives of the Police of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic... and also from the The publication with five hundred, mostly never-before-published archival photographs, shows the gradual development of the motorcycle park on Czechoslovak roads from 1938 to the present day. Everyone will find their own way. Pictures from your backyards, trips and garages are complemented by factory pictures, documents, leaflets and period advertisements. An extensive selection of what drove on our roads.
- A4 format, hard boards, chalk matte paper for quality printing
- 504 pages
- more than 500 large format photos
- random AJS, Ardie, BMW, Jawa, Jawa-ČZ, ČZ, Harley-Davidson... and many, many more
- from belt drives to the Honda CB 750! Color photos of motorcycles
Pictures from ordinary backyards, where you might recognize your friends or ancestors. Detailed period photos of motorcycle components. Pictures from the factory line
Something from the archives of the Police of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic... and also from the The publication with five hundred, mostly never-before-published archival photographs, shows the gradual development of the motorcycle park on Czechoslovak roads from 1938 to the present day. Everyone will find their own way. Pictures from your backyards, trips and garages are complemented by factory pictures, documents, leaflets and period advertisements. An extensive selection of what drove on our roads.
- A4 format, hard boards, chalk matte paper for quality printing
- 504 pages
- more than 500 large format photos
- random AJS, Ardie, BMW, Jawa, Jawa-ČZ, ČZ, Harley-Davidson... and many, many more
- from belt drives to the Honda CB 750! Color photos of motorcycles
Pictures from ordinary backyards, where you might recognize your friends or ancestors. Detailed period photos of motorcycle components. Pictures from the factory line
Something from the archives of the Police of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic... and also from the The publication with five hundred, mostly never-before-published archival photographs, shows the gradual development of the motorcycle park on Czechoslovak roads from 1938 to the present day. Everyone will find their own way. Pictures from your backyards, trips and garages are complemented by factory pictures, documents, leaflets and period advertisements. An extensive selection of what drove on our roads.
- A4 format, hard boards, chalk matte paper for quality printing
- 504 pages
- more than 500 large format photos
- random AJS, Ardie, BMW, Jawa, Jawa-ČZ, ČZ, Harley-Davidson... and many, many more
- from belt drives to the Honda CB 750! Color photos of motorcycles
Pictures from ordinary backyards, where you might recognize your friends or ancestors. Detailed period photos of motorcycle components. Pictures from the factory line
Something from the archives of the Police of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic... and also from the Czechoslovak Police! Including Californian and Nanuk models. Old leaflets, brochures and advertisements. And much more[
Autor, známy zberateľ motoriek, historických fotografií, vybavenia dielní etc. a autor mnohých článkov v odborných časopisoch, prezentuje svoju rozsiahlu zbierku fotografií československých motocyklov. Ako píše autor, zámerom publikácie nebolo vytvoriť ucelený a encyklopedický prehľad všetkých typov motocyklov v Československu, ale prezentovať dobové fotografie, pohľadnice a materiály, ktoré sa vzťahujú k motorizmu na území Československa.
Obrovskou pridanou hodnotou tejto publikácie sú popisky pri každej fotografii. Údaje o konkrétnom stroji, jeho modifikácii, továrenských či individuálnych úpravách, rozdiely medzi verziami a mnohokrát aj presná lokalizácia tej ktorej fotografie.
Bonusom publikácie sú staré letáky, firemné prospekty a reklamy.
Označenie publikácie poradovým číslom 1 je výborným prísľubom do budúcna. Teda, že bude nasledovať ešte jeden, alebo možno aj viac dielov tejto publikácie. Čo možno, pri jej kvalite, len netrpezlivo očakávať.
Author, well-known collector of motorcycles, historical photos, workshop equipment, etc. and the author of many articles in professional magazines, presents his extensive collection of photographs of Czechoslovak motorcycles. As the author writes, the intention of the publication was not to create a comprehensive and encyclopedic overview of all types of motorcycles in Czechoslovakia, but to present period photographs, postcards and materials related to motoring in the territory of Czechoslovakia.
A huge added value of this publication is the captions for each photo. Data about a specific machine, its modification, factory or individual modifications, differences between versions and many times even the exact location of which photo.
Old leaflets, company prospectuses and advertisements are a bonus of the publication.
Marking the publication with serial number 1 is an excellent promise for the future. This means that there will be one more, or maybe even more, parts of this publication. Which, with its quality, can only be impatiently expected.
URL : Verze : 1
Niekoľko fotografií z recenzovanej publikácie, pochopiteľne v nizšej kvalite než sú v knihe.
URL : Verze : 1
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