Východní velitelství [1905-1968]

Eastern Command
Eastern Command
Východní velitelství Eastern Command
Originální název:
Original Name:
Eastern Command
Datum vzniku:
IV. armádní sbor IV Army Corps
Datum zániku:
- -
Nadřízené velitelství:
Higher Command:
DD.MM.1939-DD.MM.1945 Velitelství domácich sil
DD.MM.1905-DD.MM.1939 London, ?
DD.MM.1939-DD.MM.1941 Hounslow, ?
DD.MM.1941-DD.MM.1945 Luton Hoo, ?
DD.MM.1945-DD.MM.1968 Hounslow, ?

DD.MM.1905-DD.MM.1908 Methuen, Paul Sanford (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1908-DD.MM.1912 Paget, Arthur (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1912-DD.MM.1914 Grierson, James (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1914-DD.MM.1915 Woollcombe, Charles (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1915-DD.MM.1916 Rundle, Leslie (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1916-DD.MM.1917 Murray, James Wolfe (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1917-DD.MM.1918 Wilson, Henry (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1918-DD.MM.1918 Robertson, William (General)
DD.MM.1918-DD.MM.1919 Woollcombe, Charles (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1919-DD.MM.1923 Horne, Henry (General)
DD.MM.1923-DD.MM.1926 Milne, George (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1926-DD.MM.1927 Braithwaite, Walter (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1927-DD.MM.1931 Whigham, Robert (General)
DD.MM.1931-DD.MM.1933 Gillman, Webb (General)
DD.MM.1933-DD.MM.1936 Deverell, Cyril (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1936-DD.MM.1938 Ironside, Edmund (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1938-DD.MM.1941 Williams, Guy (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1941-DD.MM.1942 Carr, Laurence (Lieutenant General)
DD.04.1942-DD.08.1942 Anderson, Kenneth (Lieutenant General)
DD.09.1942-DD.01.1944 Gammell, James (Lieutenant General)
DD.01.1944-DD.12.1944 Anderson, Kenneth (Lieutenant General)
DD.12.1944-DD.08.1945 Cunningham, Alan (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1945-DD.MM.1947 Leese, Oliver (General)
DD.MM.1947-DD.MM.1950 Barker, Evelyn (General)
DD.MM.1950-DD.MM.1952 Templer, Gerald (General)
DD.MM.1952-DD.MM.1953 Erskine, George (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1953-DD.MM.1954 Bourne, Geoffrey (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1954-DD.MM.1956 Festing, Francis (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1956-DD.MM.1959 Coleman, Charles (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1959-DD.MM.1960 Cassels, James (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1960-DD.MM.1961 Lathbury, Gerald (General)
DD.MM.1962-DD.MM.1965 McLeod, Roderick (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1965-DD.MM.1966 Cole, George (Lieutenant General)
DD.MM.1966-DD.MM.1968 Peel Yates, David (Lieutenant General)
Náčelník štábu:
Chief of Staff:
Podřízené jednotky:
Subordinated Units:
Čestný název:
Honorary Name:
- -
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Vychodni-velitelstvi-1905-1968-t46489#633544 Verze : 0
Eastern Command - Britské veliteľstvo, vzniklo vo februári 1905 (02/1905) z IV Army Corps (Eastern Command).

Organizačne sa ďalej členilo na:
- Eastern Coast Defences (prístavy Medway, Thames a Harwich)
- South Eastern Coast Defences (prístavy Dover a Newhaven)
- Eastern Grouped Regimental District (Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Essex, Northamptonshire)
- Home Counties Grouped Regimental District (Surrey, Kent, Middlesex, Sussex)

27.11.1907 sa Eastern Grouped Regimental District premenoval na No. 9 District a Home Counties Grouped Regimental District na No. 10 District.

V roku 1920 sa veliteľstvo presunulo do Queen's Gardens, Bayswater, London W2 a jednotlivé okresy sa reorganizovali na oblasti nasledovne:
- Eastern Area (Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex)
- Shires Area (Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Middlesex)
- Thames and Medway Area
- South Eastern Area (Surrey (časť vyčlenená pre Aldershot Command), Sussex, Kent (časť podlieha Thames and Medway Area))

V priebehu 20-tych rokov boli oblasti ďalej reorganizované na:
- East Anglian Area (grófstva Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex)
- Chatham Area
- Home Counties Area (grófstva Surrey (časť vyčlenená pre Aldershot Command), Sussex, Kent (časť v podriadenosti Chatham Area))

V priebehu roku 1940 boli Home Counties Area a Chatham Area zrušené a reorganizované do Sussex and Surrey Area a Kent Area v podriadenosti South Eastern Command, East Anglian Area bola zrušená a reorganizovaná do troch nových oblastí:
- East Central Area (Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire (posledné tri prepodriadené z South Midland Area))
- Essex and Suffolk Area
- Cambridge Area (Cambridgeshire a Norfolk)

14.08.1941 boli vytvorené pechotné tréningové centrá (Infantry Training Centres) ako samostatné súčasti Eastern Command:
- No. 1 Infantry Training Centre - Warley (Royal Fusiliers, Essex Regiment)
- No. 2 Infantry Training Centre - Norwich (Norfolk Regiment, Northamptonshire Regiment)
- No. 3 Infantry Training Centre - Bury St. Edmunds (Suffolk Regiment, Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regimentt)

V roku 1944 boli vytvorené nové okresy pre administráciu jednotiek dislokovaných v pôsobnosti veliteľstva:
- East Anglian District - veliteľstvo Colchester (grófstvá Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Suffolk, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex)
- Home Counties District - veliteľstvo Shorncliffe (grófstva Sussex, Kent, Surrey)
- London District - veliteľstvo Londýn (grófstvo Londýn a Middlesex).

V roku 1961 sa East Anglian District reorganizoval na 54th (East Anglian) Division/District a Home Counties District na 44th (Home Counties) Division/District.

01.04.1968 bolo Eastern Command zrušené a pripojené k Southern Command.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/Vychodni-velitelstvi-1905-1968-t46489#181652 Verze : 0
03.09.1939 boli v Eastern Command dislokované nasledujúce zložky Britskej armády:

Regulárna armáda:
4th Infantry Division - veliteľstvo Colchester
13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own) - Shorncliffe (súčasť 1st Infantry Division)
17th/21st Lancers - Colchester
2nd Battalion, The Essex Regiment - Brentwood
27th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery - Colchester
32nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery - Brighton
5th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery - Shoeburyness
2nd Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery - Shoeburyness
Detachment, The Survey Battalion, Royal Engeneers - Londýn
The Signal Experimental Establishment, Royal Corps of Signal - Woolwich
Eastern Command Signals, Royal Corps of Signal - Londýn

Royal Artillery Fixed Defences, Eastern Ports
- veliteľstvo - Sheerness
- Dover Fire Command - Dover
- Thames Fire Command (21st Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery) -Shoeburyness
- Medway Fire Command - Sheerness
- Harwich Fire Command - Felixstowe

1st Infantry Training Group - Colchester
2nd Infantry Training Group - Lydd
Depot, Non-Combatant Labour Corps - Colchester

URL : https://www.valka.cz/Vychodni-velitelstvi-1905-1968-t46489#185529 Verze : 0
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