Ministerstvo války [1857-1964]

War Office
War Office
Ministerstvo války War Office
Originální název:
Original Name:
War Office
Datum vzniku:
- -
Datum zániku:
Ministerstvo obrany Ministry of Defence
Nadřízený úřad:
Higher Authority:
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Vláda Jejího veličenstva
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Her Majesty's Government
DD.MM.1857-DD.MM.1927 Londýn, War Office building /
DD.MM.1927-DD.MM.1964 Londýn, War Office building
Přednosta / náčelník:
12.06.1912-29.03.1914 Seely, John Edward Bernard (Colonel)
30.03.1914-04.08.1914 Asquith, Herbert Henry ( )
05.18.1914-05.06.1915 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (Field Marshal)
22.11.1935-28.05.1937 Cooper, Duff Alfred ( )
28.05.1937-05.01.1940 Hore-Belisha, Leslie ( )
05.01.1940-11.05.1940 Stanley, Oliver Frederick George ( )
Podřízené úřady či jednotky:
Subordinated Agencies or Units:
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Quartemaster-General to the Forces
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Master-General of the Ordnance
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Civile Member of the Army Council
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Finance Member of the Army Council
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Secretary of the War Office
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Generálni inspektorát domácich sil Inspector-General of Home Forces
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Generálni inspektorát sil v zámoří
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for War
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Financial Secretary of the War Office
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Director-General of Munition Production
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Permanent Under-Secretary of State for War
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Quartemaster-General to the Forces
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Master-General of the Ordnance
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Civile Member of the Army Council
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Finance Member of the Army Council
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Secretary of the War Office
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Inspector-General of Home Forces
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Inspector-General of the Oversea Forces
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for War
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Financial Secretary of the War Office
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Director-General of Munition Production
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.RRRR Department of the Permanent Under-Secretary of State for War
Vládny orgán zodpovedný za Britskú armádu Department of the British Government responsible for the administration of the British Army
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Department of the Master-General of the Ordnance:
Master-General of the Ordnance
1712 Savage, Richard (generál)
1725-1740 Campbell, John (generál, polní maršál ofd roku 1735)
1741-1742 Campbell, John (polní maršál)
08.02.1907 Hadden, C. F. Maj.-Gen.
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Generálni kaplan (Chaplain-General):
01.10.1901 Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Taylor Smith, C,V,O., D.D,

Judge Advocate General:
01.08.1905 T. Milvaln, Esq. C.B., K.C.
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Generálni inspektor domácich sil:
01.03.1912 Douglas C. W. H., Gen., G.C.B.
- štábny dôstojník inšpektorátu:
01.07.1912 Du Cane, J. P., Col (temp. Brig.-Gen.), C.B.
- inšpektor jazdectva:
05.04.1910 Alienby, E. H. H., Maj.-Gen., C.B.
- inšpektor Royal Horse Artillery a Royal Field Artillery:
01.05.1912 Horne, H. S., Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.)
- inšpektor Royal Garrison Artillery
01.10.1910: White, W. L., Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.), C. B., p.s.c., g.
- inšpektor Royal Engineers:
01.10.1908: Heath, F. C., Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.), C.B., p.s.c.
-inšpektor pechoty
09.12.1912: Murray. A. J., Maj.-Gen., K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O., p.s.c.
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Generálni inspektor sil v zámoří:
01.08.1910 Hamilton, I. S. M., Gen., G.C.B., D.S.O.
- štábny dôstojník inšpektorátu:
01.06.1911 Ellison, G. F., Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.), C.B., p.s.c.
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