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Europol and the FBI: Scope for mutual learning

With two decades since the official establishment of Europol, perhaps now there is a need for reflection on how Europol might further develop. What comparisons can be made between this federal agency and the FBI, a bureau that, for the better part of a century, has similarly operated in a federal polity?

🕔︎ 03.01.2013 👁︎ 9.726

The Origins of the CIA - Part 1

Discussing the origins of the CIA is not quite the same as explaining why it was formed. Origins imply a precedent that might have helped determine the shape of the new agency. But does it need to be a remembered precedent? 

🕔︎ 03.01.2013 👁︎ 12.315

The Origins of the CIA - Part 2

Discussing the origins of the CIA is not quite the same as explaining why it was formed. Origins imply a precedent that might have helped determine the shape of the new agency. But does it need to be a remembered precedent? 

🕔︎ 03.01.2013 👁︎ 10.448

The Origins of the CIA - Part 3

Discussing the origins of the CIA is not quite the same as explaining why it was formed. Origins imply a precedent that might have helped determine the shape of the new agency. But does it need to be a remembered precedent?

🕔︎ 03.01.2013 👁︎ 11.300

The Origins of the CIA - Part 4

Discussing the origins of the CIA is not quite the same as explaining why it was formed. Origins imply a precedent that might have helped determine the shape of the new agency. But does it need to be a remembered precedent? 

🕔︎ 03.01.2013 👁︎ 9.609

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