Terorismus - AFRIKA

Autor: Jana Krechlerová / jana 🕔︎︎ 👁︎ 20.130

Alžírsko :

C : Comite Revolutionnaire I´Unite et I´Action - CRUA

F : Front de Liberacion Nationale - FLN

O : Organization de I´Armee Secrete - OAS, Organization Secrete - OS

Angola :

F :Frente da Liberation do Enclave de Cabinda - FLEC, Frente Nacional de Libertacao de Angola - FNLA

M : Movimento Popular para a Libertacao de Angola - MPLA

U : Uniao National para a Independencia Total de Angola - UNITA


Čad :

C : Common Action Front - FAT

CH : CHad Liberation Movement - MPLT, CHad Armed Force - FAC, CHad National Liberation Front

N : National patriotic Movement - MNP, Northern Armed Forces - FAN

P : Popular Armed Forces - FAP, Popular Front for the Liberation of CHad ( FPLT )

Džibuti :

N : National Indenpendence Front - UNI

P : Popular Liberation Movement

S : Somali Coast Liberation Front - FLCS

Egypt :

A : Al Djihad Conservative Organization, Al - Jamijat, AL - Djihad, Al - Islámia, Al - Takfir Wal Hijira, Arab Egypt Liberation Front

C : Coptic Societies in the Near East

E : Egyptian National Front - ENF

F : Front for the Liberation of Egypt

I :Islamic Association

L : Libyan National League

M : Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian Communist Party - ECS

N : National Coalition, National Front, New Wafd Vanguard

R : Repetance and Holy Flight

S : Social Arab Nassersist Party

T : The Coptic Orthodox CHurch

Etiopie :

E : ELF - General command, ELF - Revolutionary Council, Eritrean Liberation Front - ELF, Eritrean Liberation Front - Popular Liberation Forces - ELF - PLF, Eritrean People´s Liberation Front EPFL, Ethiopian Democratic Union - EDU, Ethiopian People´s Revolutionary party - EPRT

O : Oromo National Liberation Front - ONLF

P : Popular Liberation Forces - PLF

S : Somali - Abo Liberation Front - SALF

T : Tigre People´s Liberation Front - TPLF

W : Western Somali Liberation Front - WSLF

Guinea - Bissau :

A : African Party of the Liberation of Guinea and Cape Verde - PAIGC

Kanárské Ostrovy :

C : Canary Islands Independence Movement, Canary Islands Intelligence Service

M : Movement fot self - Determination and Independence for the Canary Islands

Jihoafrická republika :

A : African National Congreess - ANC, Azanian People´s Organization - AZAPO

P : PAn Africanist Congreess - PAC

S : South African Communist Party - SACP

W : Wit Kommando

Keňa :

M : Mau Mau

N : Northern Frontier District Liberation Liberation front - NFDLF


Lesotho :

B : Basotho Congress Party - BCp

L: Lesotho Liberation Army - LLA

Libérie :

M :Movement for Justice in Africa - MOJA

P : Progressive Alliance for Liberia - PAL

Libye :

A : 7 April libyan Organization, arab Revolutionary Brigades

L : Libyan Baathis Party, Libyan National Association, Libyan National Salvation Front

M : Martyrs of Palestine

P : Pan Arab Command

R : Red October

W : Warriors for Imam Moussa Sadr

Malawi :

C : Congress of Second Republic og Malawi

M : Malawi Freedom Movement - MAFREMO

S : Socialist League of Malawi - LESOMA

Maroko :

N : National Union of Morrocan Students

P : Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra - Polisario

Mauretánie :

A : Aliance for Democratic Mauritania

F : Free Man Movement

M : Mauritania emocratic Union

W : Walfougi Front

Mosambik :

F : Free African Movement

M : Mozambique resistance Movement - MRM, Mosambique Liberation Front - FRELIMO

R : Revolutionary Committee of Mosambique - Coremo

U : United Mosambique Front - FUMA

Nambie :

S : South west African National Union - SWANU, South West African People´s Organization - SWAPO

Somálsko :

D : Democratic Front for the liberation of Somalia - DFLS

S : Somali Democratic Front - SOSAF, Somali Democratic Salvation Front - SDSF, Somali Liberation Front, Somali National Movement - SNM, Somali Worker´s Party - SWP

Středoafrická republika :

C : Central African Movement for National Liberation - MCLN

I : Independent Reflection Group - GIRA

M : Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People - MLPC

O : Oubanguain liberation Front - FLO, Oubanguain Patriotic Front - SSPF


Španělská Sahara :

M : Musrafa el Wali Bayyid Sayed International Brigade

Tunisko :

A : Arab National Rally - RNA

I : Islamic Progressive Movement - MIP, Islamic Trend Movement - MTI

M : Movement of Socialist Democrats - MDS

P : Popular revolutionary Movement - MPR, Popular Unity Movement - MUP, Progressive Nationalist Front for the Liberation of Tunisia - FNPLT

R : Revolutionary Party of the Tunisian People - PRPT T : Tunisian Armed Resistance - RAT, Tunisian Communist Party - PCT

Uganda :

U : Uganda Freedom Movement - UFM, Uganda National Liberation Front - UNRF, Uganda National Resistance Movement - UNRM, Uganda Popular Front - UPF, Ugandan People´s Movement - UPM, Ugandan Patriotic Movement

Zair :

C : Congo National Liberation Front - FLNC, Council for the Liberation Front - CLC

N : National Movement for Union and Reconciliation - MNUR

P : People´s Army of the Opressed in Zaire - APOZA, People´s Revolutionary Party - PRP

Západní Sahara / Maroko :

A : Association of People from sahara - AOSARIO

P : popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra - Polisario

Zimbabwe :

A : African National Council - ANC

P : Patriotic Front - PF

Z : Zimbabwe African People´s Union - ZAPU, Zimbabwe National Union - ZANU

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