Looking for a book- John M., Zari 1938, Brno 1997


Hi! I'm looking fot this book: John M., Zari 1938, Brno 1997. According to Jan Wisniewski, author of the "Armia czechoslowacka w latach 1932-1938", p. 90 , in that book there is some info about czechoslovakian
at rifle, L 7.92 and a bigger one, W 15. The numbers are representing the calliber of the weapon. The author gives some technical data : W 7.92: calliber 7.92, weight 10,5 kg, magazine -5 rounds, muzzle velocity-1000 m/s , W 15: caliber 15mm, weight 18,5 kg, magazine-5rounds, muzzle velocity 990 m/s. In both cases, Wisniewski is reffering to M. John, part 2, p. 48-49. does anyone have that book? I would be gratiful for scans/photos of those pages. Perhaps anyone knows anything more about them?

In that book, there is a short story of those weapons : Rifle and "rusznica"(-name similar to Panzerbuchse, Wisniewski named W 15 like that) after intensive trials and producing 10 experimental rifles in august 1938, they suposed to be put into mass production in X 1938. But soon the plans were dropped. Sorry for my english Smile
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Looking-for-a-book-John-M-Zari-1938-Brno-1997-t59713#215194 Verze : 0
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