Hledám fotky VPV alias BREM-4



I seek a details pics of the BREM -4 ARV and also pics of the B R E M of the fire Brigade.

Thank you
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#310093 Verze : 0
oh yes, very good pics!! thank you very much.
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#310160 Verze : 0
Alain, I have sent a request for information to the press officer and spokesman of The Czech Republic Firefighter Corps. Hopefully he will provide some info and pics in the case VPV is in their inventory.
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#310299 Verze : 0
Hello Alain, dear colleague, I hope you are checking this thread so e-mail should make you informed.

I have received answer from press officer and spokesman (in fact spokeswoman) of The Czech Republic Firefighter Corps.

Unfortunately she says they have no BREM-4 (or VPV) in their inventory , but they offer another "rare ex-military bird" sporting Redcoat with White band for modelling...
Local Volunteer Firebrigade in Káraný have converted ex military 8 - wheeler OT-64 to special firetender.

There is a link to some useful photos of that particular vehicle: www.karany.cz
There is a link to .pdf file with card paper model which might be useful for modelling (enlarged for cutting 1:35 stencils) of that vehicle too: http://www.pmht.net/images/pmhtmini/002-1-Skot.PDF

1/35 scale model of OT-64 is made by Panzershop company I am sure you have already known.
I am slightly afraid it is not possible to convert their model of SKOT to above mentioned firetender without certain amount of scratchbuilding.

That is all I can do or even to say now. #Evil Bat
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#312464 Verze : 0

Citace - palič :

Hello Alain, dear colleague, I hope you are checking this thread so e-mail should make you informed.

I have received answer from press officer and spokesman (in fact spokeswoman) of The Czech Republic Firefighter Corps.

Unfortunately she says they have no BREM-4 (or VPV) in their inventory , but they offer another "rare ex-military bird" sporting Redcoat with White band for modelling...
Local Volunteer Firebrigade in Káraný have converted ex military 8 - wheeler OT-64 to special firetender.

There is a link to some useful photos of that particular vehicle: www.karany.cz
There is a link to .pdf file with card paper model which might be useful for modelling (enlarged for cutting 1:35 stencils) of that vehicle too: http://www.pmht.net/images/pmhtmini/002-1-Skot.PDF

1/35 scale model of OT-64 is made by Panzershop company I am sure you have already known.
I am slightly afraid it is not possible to convert their model of SKOT to above mentioned firetender without certain amount of scratchbuilding.

That is all I can do or even to say now. #Evil Bat

Thank you for your answer Talic. But i′m sure to have seen the pics of the BREM 4 of fire brigade rescue , but WHERE !!!!!!!
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#317857 Verze : 0
In this case I am nearly sure or I believe that vehicle did not belong to Czech Firefighter Corps neither professional nor to volunteers.
My bet is Russia, that would make sense.
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#317859 Verze : 0
Maybe LPM-1 (leso-pozharnaya mashina - forest fire fighting vehicle) or LPM 2 - some info about ЛЕСОПОЖАРНАЯ МАШИНА ЛПМ-2 there http://www.vpk.by/el_exib/pr2/info_goods/sborka/ (russian) and model (photo?) LPM-1: www.russianscalemodels.com and LPM-2 www.russianscalemodels.com .

LPM is conversion of BMP-1 (2).

Info is in encyclopedia "ОРУЖИЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ РОССИИ. XXI ВЕК" part 7 - "Бронетанковое вооружение и техника" too.

Production of LPM-1 started in 1992, LPM-2 in 1994.
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#317869 Verze : 0
fota ruských požárních vozidel.......ale může zajímat i někoho jiného.........
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#318688 Verze : 0
Jen připomínám, že francouzský kolega shání fotky BREM-4 čili VPV v požárnických barvách a tak, jak mne ujistil, cokoliv jiného je poněkud mimo jeho zájem.
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Hledam-fotky-VPV-alias-BREM-4-t84417#318690 Verze : 0
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